Tessa has her own locker outside the classroom and it also happens to be just her size! She loves this shirt and carefully laid out her clothes the night before. She looked very cute! She had absolutely no worries about her day. She's been at the school so much with the boys' activities and PTO stuff, it's very familiar. After we dropped off Zach at a friend's home, she got the giddy, excited giggles, clapping her hands as we got closer and closer to the school! She was so thrilled that it was hard to be too sad (although as we walked in and greeted her fabulous teacher, whom Scott had in K as well, the tears popped out of nowhere!).
After her short morning at kindergarten, we picked up Zach, and Tessa wondered if we could meet Dad for lunch at "a fancy place". Where was this fancy place, you ask? Yep, good old McD's. : ) (I was secretly hoping for someplace a tad fancier, but it wasn't my special day...!) Zach and Tessa enjoyed a little Playland time afterwards, while I got teary watching them spend their last "fancy lunch" weekday together for awhile....
Love Tessa's hair cut!